Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Confirm *I am a resident of New York City.Email (Optional)We will email you only one time after this debate is available online, and will not sell or trade your name. Please select up to 10 questions that you would like to see asked of mayoral candidates for our unique video debate, then click green SUBMIT button below How and where would you build low-income housing in NYC for our growing homeless population? [1]Submitted by mayoral candidate Art ChangWhat's your experience fighting climate change, and how would you apply that to your job as Mayor? [2]Submitted by mayoral candidate Art ChangWhat legislation would you support to provide artists with the infrastructure they need to afford to live and work in NYC? [3]Submitted by the New York Foundation for the ArtsWhat would you do as Mayor to ensure asylum seekers survive and thrive in NYC? [4]Submitted by Immigration EqualityYoung people of color across NYC have called to fully remove officers from schools. What is your position? [5]Submitted by Make the Road NYMany immigrants can't vote in NYC elections due to their status. What's your position on giving them the right to vote? [6]Submitted by Make the Road NYWill you consider converting office or hotel space to use for needed supportive and affordable housing? [7]Submitted by Housing WorksHow would you increase the City's commitment to ending the AIDS epidemic for all New Yorkers? [8]Submitted by Housing WorksHow will you address low voter turnout that continues to plague NYC? [9]Submitted by the League of Women Voters New YorkWhat are your plans to alleviate the looming eviction crisis? [10]Submitted by the League of Women Voters New YorkWhat will you do to address property taxes passed through to hospitality businesses tenants? It is burdensome. [11]Submitted by the New York Hospitality AllianceHow would you reshape and reform the city government’s onerous permitting, regulatory and inspection process? [12]Submitted by the New York Hospitality AllianceDo you support requiring the Dept. of Education to implement a curriculum that includes LGBTQ+ history? [13]Submitted by the Stonewall Democratic ClubWhat would you do to ensure that "affordable" housing is low income housing and truly affordable? [14]Submitted by Amsterdam NewsWith New York the fourth most segregated city in the country, how will you address systemic racism in housing? [15]Submitted by Impacct BrooklynWhat concrete measures would you take to respond to increases in anti-semitism, racism, Islamaphobia, anti-AAPI (Asian American, Pacific Islander) hatred and other forms of hatred? [16]Submitted by Congregation Beth Simcha TorahHow would you fill the budget shortfall caused by the decline in commercial real estate tax revenue? [17]Submitted by Jonathan Greenberg, InformYourVote.orgWhat organization or activity has most influenced who you are today and how? [18]Submitted by Jonathan Greenberg, InformYourVote.orgIf elected Mayor, what criminal justice reform efforts and investments will your administration pursue and why? [19]Submitted by the Fortune SocietyIf elected Mayor, how will your administration ensure people with justice involvement have access to affordable supportive housing? [20]Submitted by the Fortune Society How would you address violence against transgender & gender nonconforming New Yorkers? [21]Submitted by The Gay CenterWould you provide housing subsidies to low-income, people of color & LGBTQ whose lives were uprooted by COVID? [22]Submitted by The Gay Center How has your past work and life experiences prepared you for the challenge of managing NYC’s vast bureaucracy? [23]Submitted by Fordham School of Law Professor Liz Cooper How can you bring a fresh perspective to addressing the complex needs of our City? [24]Submitted by Fordham School of Law Professor Liz Cooper In the wake of the pandemic, what would you do to retain small retail businesses & restaurants in New York City? [25]Submitted by Liz Abzug, Bella Abzug Leadership Institute How do we desegregate NYC public schools? [26]Submitted by Liz Abzug, Bella Abzug Leadership Institute What is the proper role of police and school safety officers in schools? [27]Submitted by the New York Civil Liberties Union Do you believe there are areas where we over-rely on police? If so, where would you reduce the funding of NYPD? [28]Submitted by the New York Civil Liberties Union NYC suffers from an outdated and unsustainable public transportation system. What steps would you take to fix it? [29]Submitted by Oriela Baliaj, Bella Abzug Leadership Institute If elected, what are 3 steps you would take to address New York’s increasing homeless population? [30]Submitted by Oriela Baliaj, Bella Abzug Leadership InstituteWhat can the city do to make childcare affordable for working families in the City? [31]Submitted by Ester Fuchs, Who’s on the Ballot How can the City help small businesses to recover from the devastating impact of Covid? [32]Submitted by Ester Fuchs, Who’s on the Ballot In the past decade the city’s workforce increased 11%, by more than 30,000. Do you plan to reduce the workforce? [33]Submitted by Ester Fuchs, Who’s on the BallotWhat neighborhood do you live in and why? [34]Submitted by Mayannah Beauvoir, Bella Abzug Leadership InstituteHow do you plan to encourage local residents to vote and be a part of important community decisions? [35]Submitted by Mayannah Beauvoir, Bella Abzug Leadership InstituteWhat will you do to ensure that the community has a better relationship with law enforcement? [36]Submitted by Mayannah Beauvoir, Bella Abzug Leadership InstituteHow will you create truly affordable housing and what benchmarks, like 5,000 units in 2 years, can you commit to? [37]Submitted by Joanne Kennedy, The Catholic WorkerHow would you implement sexual assault/consent education in NYC schools & ensure the safety of survivors? [38]Submitted by Gavrielle Reyes, Bella Abzug Leadership InstituteHow would you improve election administration given that the city funds but does not control the Board of Elections? [39]Submitted by Citizen’s UnionHow would you ensure penalties & discipline are imposed on police officers that reflect their wrongdoing? [40]Submitted by Citizen’s UnionDo you support Speaker Johnson's Intro 2186, the long-term planning bill that would give a "Robert Moses 2.0" official the power to override local community boards on development plans? [41]Submitted by Lincoln Anderson, The Village SunDo you support the Small Business Jobs Survival Act, commercial rent control, and/or a tax on vacant storefronts? [42]Submitted by Lincoln Anderson, The Village SunIf you received a $1 million grant to use for the city any way you wanted, what would you prioritize and why? [43]Submitted by Tiffany McLarty, Bella Abzug Leadership Institute How would you reform the city’s bureaucracy to be less burdensome to the New Yorkers most in need of housing? [44]Submitted by Citizen Housing and Planning Council What will your approach be for implementing the Mayor's Office of Food Policy’s Food Forward NYC plan? [45]Submitted by City harvest How are you going to support undocumented families who do not benefit from SNAP or the COVID relief packages? [46]Submitted by LaNeda Mondesir, The Harding Ford Vision food pantryHow will you ensure emergency food providers continue to receive the necessary resources to combat hunger in NYC? [47]Submitted by Project Hospitality What specific steps would you take to move individuals and families out of homeless shelters and into stable housing? [48]Submitted by Betsy Scheinbart, Bella Abzug Leadership InstituteHow will you reverse the City’s deteriorating quality of life? [49]Submitted by the Real Estate Board of New York NYC’s property tax system is broken. How will you fix it? [50]Submitted by the Real Estate Board of New York This survey will be open to additional entries until April 19thFacebookTwitterLinkedInMoreProve that you are human by solving this * How much is 8 x 5? MessageSubmit